Recent discovery of
Safed Musli been a natural and effective
an aphrodisiac agent has likewise opened up new channels of use and new
interest for it. This natural herb, Safed Musli has been observed to be a
perfect aphrodisiac with no negative reactions which some chemical produced
aphrodisiacs has. Acknowledging it, the Gujarat State Forest Development
Corporation has recently approved Safed Musli as a safe aphrodisiac to use.
Safed musli is
utilized for building the body, weight reduction, and as an aphrodisiac it
enhance sexual performance and is used for the treatment of erectile
dysfunction and premature ejaculation which is common in some younger men and
mostly in older men. Safed Musli additionally used for treatment of gonorrhea,
joint inflammation, diarrhea, diabetes, oligospermia, expanding lactation in
breast feeding moms ,dysentery, dysuria, malignancy, and as an antibacterial
agent. Customarily, Safed Musli utilized as a purported "adaptogen"
to be able to deal with stress and as a general tonic for enhancing general
well being.
Safed musli contains saponin and alkaloids and
these are the components that give safed musli its medicinal
activity. Saponins are soap-like components found in plants that have can form
foam. Hecogenin has steroidal-like effects that help synthesize anabolic
hormones. Anabolic hormones allow men to retain nitrogen more readily, which
helps form larger more bulging muscles. Safed Musli is often referred
to as Natural Viagra without the side effects.
Aside from its
steadily developing use in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and
phytopharmaceutical organizations, Plants which have medicinal functions are
being used as raw material in different businesses such as cleansers,
detergent, paints, insecticides and so on. Two of the key saponins
are hecogenin and stigmasterol. Stigmasterol is very similar in structure to
testosterone. Consequently it can occupy the testosterone receptor to the
cells, which can act like an aphrodisiac
Safed musli has for
quite some time been recognized as a capable and exceptionally powerful regular
sexual enhancing agent. The tuber toots of this herb have been utilized for a
considerable length of time in the treatment of sexual shortcoming. It is
utilized as an essential part in different sex enhancing supplements. The herb
itself is accessible in a formulated into different forms, for example,
tablets, cases, powder, and extracts.
General Information about Safed musli
It is a small perennial herb with a
full of radical leaves appearing over ground.
Root tubers are
fleshy, fascicled and directly originate from the stem disc devoid of any
fibrous structure. The shape of tubers is cylindrical, the thickness is average
0.9 cm and the length 8cm.The number of tubers varies from plant to plant and
on an average 5-30 tubers per plant are observed and slightly tapering towards
lower side look like pestle. Due to its extensive use, it is naturally an
endangered plant.
Leaves –
the leaves are radical 6-13 in number spirally imbricate at the base,
sessile, linear ovate, acute apex and slightly narrowed at the base. Lower
surface of leaves are rough; margins are wavy with parallel venation. It has
solitary scape, 15-30 cm long, terminal, unbranched; it bears flowers over
upper ¾ of its length.
Leaves are
radical 6-13 in number spirally imbricate at the base, sessile, linear ovate,
acute apex and slightly narrowed at the base. Lower surface of leaves are
rough; margins are wavy with parallel venation. It has solitary scape, 15-30 cm
long, terminal, unbranched; it bears flowers over upper ¾ of its length.
Flowers are
bracteate, pedicellate, usually arranged in alternate clusters, each consisting
of 3 flowers, white and yellow in colour. The anther is yellow, linear and
dehisces by longitudinal slits. Style is slightly longer than the stamens,
swollen at the apex;
Fruit is
a loculicidal capsule, green to yellow, triquetrous to 3-b sulcate, almost
equal in length and width.
Ovary is
3-lobed, angles obtuse, green, globose and sessile.
Seeds are
onion – like black in appearance with angular edges. Capsule, 4- seeded with a
slender beak and spongy septa, seeds oblong, black and shiny with crustacean’s
Height It is a pretty tall herb of 1.5
feet with erect lanceolate Safed Musli belongs to the family of Liliaceae
This herb contains thirty five to forty five percent
carbohydrates, fifteen to twenty five alkaloids , two to twenty percent
saponins, five to ten percent proteins and twenty five to thirty five percent
Does Safed Musli
Really Work?
Safed Musli works as a natural treatment for sexual
impotence. Its consumption results in the production of testosterone which is
an essential hormone to the process of copulation. In addition to that it helps
execute the adrenal glands which are imperative in causing arousal. It improves
blood circulation (necessary for an erection), enhances strength and improves
stamina for more effective sexual intercourse.
It is proven to be
one of the best natural herbs with the abilities to improve libido and sexual
performance. It appears to be highly effectual in treating male isues like
quick ejaculation, weak erection, and low sex drive. These sexual conditions
are nowadays very common among men.
Safed Musli
benefits are varied and safe. Safed Musli is amongst the safest aphrodisiac and
rejuvenating herbs which helps to improve male health conditions. This herb is
recommended to males suffering with fatigue, low libido, low sperm count and
tiredness. This herb which increases the level of testosterone hormone, also
increases male libido and increases the functions of reproductive system. Safed
Musli is beneficial to males and also gain higher volume and better quality of
This herb is
prescribed to individuals suffering from asthma to help improve their energy
level. Quicker fat digestion system and capacity to control obesity are other
Safed Musli benefits. This herb is rich and contains ingredients like alkaloids,
sugars, fiber, saponins and proteins. Every one of these nutrients which it has
is in bioactive form which makes them totally absorbable by the body without
processing. It likewise supplements vitality to keep muscles stimulated.
Safed Musli because
of their energizing, restoring and aphrodisiac properties can be very useful in
wiping out disorders from the body and enhance personal living. Safed Musli
promotes longevity by keeping up hormonal secretion and furthermore increase
the brain capacities to keep mental issues under control. Safed Musli shields
internal organs and the entire body system from sick impacts that may result
from poor diet intake.
Below are some other many other important benefits of the
● Low sperm count is a type of impotency has
the tendency to affect lovemaking capacities but certainly does not stop a man
from reproducing. Safed
Musli possess properties to improve the immune system functions which
prevent viral infections, reduce intensity of autoimmune disorders, and also
lower level of toxicity.
● The
roots of the herb contain properties that increase the effectiveness of the
body’s immune system. This is especially so in asthmatic people where an
increase in strength and general well being is noted.
● It can
be used in the production of tonics that deal with erectile dysfunction and low
sperm count.
● Once
consumed, it is known to increase the flow of milk in lactating mothers.
● It is
also beneficial in the treatment of natal and postnatal complications in
mothers . Safed Musli does this by replenishing body fluids
● It
increases the efficiency of vitamin c (ascorbic acid) in the body. In so doing,
it indirectly helps prevent scurvy, having a stroke, treat the common cold,
improve blood vessel dilation, improve cardiac health, helps cure cataracts and
helps increase the production of neurotransmitters that improve one’s mood.
● It also
optimizes the work of antioxidant enzymes in the body. This indirectly improves
the treatment of skin conditions, strengthens the immune system, alleviates
heart problems, Contains memory loss problems and controls mood disorders.
● This herb is prolific for increasing the
energy levels in people who happen to suffer from asthma.
● It is used to counter obesity and its side
● Its
properties are known alleviate arthritis in aged people.
● It is
also used to combat diabetes and contain its symptoms
● Its use
leads to an increase in High Density lipoprotein and a decrease in plasma and
hepatic lipid profiles.
● It has
properties known to deal with the problem of premature ejaculation.
● In
women, it can be used to treat leucorrhoea and other vaginal infections.
● Regular use of Safed Musli improves joint health. It also prevents
conditions like arthritis
There are more
proposed (not proven) benefits of this wonder herb.
● It
supposedly help in weight loss. This explains why it is highlighted as a key
ingredient in some weight loss medication and treatment plans.
● Its
ability to increase strength and stamina for sex is also beneficial to
bodybuilding. A lot of body building supplements now feature Safed Musli as an
ingredient for the formulation of their products.
● Safed
Musli is
used as treatment for general debility.
● It
is used in the treatment for diarrhea and dysenter .
● It
is used to get rid of throat and mouth and infections
● Safed
Musli has been used to prevent obesity and help with weight loss
● It is also beneficial in the treatment of natal and postnatal
● It
is used as an Allopathic, for example antibiotics.
Currently there have been no known negative side effects and
is safe for human consumption this is so because it is a natural herb. This
product which is safe for people with breastfeeding mothers, those with high
blood pressure, and people with rheumatoid arthritis.
There is real proof that most substances such as Safed Musli which are been used as natural aphrodisiacs actually work. Although research into these products is very limited and precautionary few measures has to be taken before using Safed Musli to avoid any health risks.
There is real proof that most substances such as Safed Musli which are been used as natural aphrodisiacs actually work. Although research into these products is very limited and precautionary few measures has to be taken before using Safed Musli to avoid any health risks.
How to use Safed Musli
The required dosages of Safed Musli do vary from person to
person according to body strength, age and its effects on appetite.
The Dosages below are
for the general usage of Safed Musli for general health benefits. For use as an aphrodisiac
agent you would find directions to use when you purchase any product that uses Safed Musli for that
Dosages are as follows;
For infants and Children – It is recommended to take between
25 to 50mg per weight, twice a day. A single time dosage should in no way
exceed 1 gram.
Adolescents (teenagers)- for teenagers between the age of 13
– 19 years of age, it is recommended to
take between 1.5 to 2 grams, twice a day
Adults – Adults between the age of 19 -60 years of age are
recommended to take between 3 to 6 grams, twice a day.
Adults above 60 years – for adults are above 60 years of age,
it is recommended to take between 2 to 3 grams, twice a day
Pregnancy women – for women who are pregnant and decides to
take Safed Musli for
one reason or the other, it is recommended that they take between 1 to 2 grams
maximum, and also twice a day.
– for lactation is recommended to take at most between 1 to two grams, twice a
These prescriptions and recommendation are
based on the general usage of Safed Musli and is
advised to take with Milk, with a maximum dosage of 12grams per day in separate
If its recommended dosage causes one to lose appetite, then
dosage should be regulated accordingly.
Common Questions about Safed Musli
Question: Is Safed Musli
is equally good for men and women?
Answer: Yes, Safed Musli is a unique natural herb that is based on the human physiology, general well being and sexual health. So it is very good and active for both men and women.
Answer: Yes, Safed Musli is a unique natural herb that is based on the human physiology, general well being and sexual health. So it is very good and active for both men and women.
Question: How will the Safed Musli
be useful / beneficial to men?
Answer: Safed Musli has the ability to correct the erectile problems in due time. It prevents premature ejaculation, increases the sex drive, prolongs the man’s sexual performance, increases the stamina, and also helps to attain multiple orgasm.
Answer: Safed Musli has the ability to correct the erectile problems in due time. It prevents premature ejaculation, increases the sex drive, prolongs the man’s sexual performance, increases the stamina, and also helps to attain multiple orgasm.
Question: How will the Safed Musli
be useful / beneficial to women?
Answer: In women frigidity will gradually disappear with the use of Safed Musli. Increased Sex drive and desire. FSAD(female sexual arousal disorder) will be solved. You will regain the normal sensation and sensitivity in the genital area even at an old age. Vaginal dryness would be resolved and sufficient lubrication will be there for women even after menopause. There will be good sex drive that makes you co-operate with your Man and make your sexual intercourse enjoyable.
Answer: In women frigidity will gradually disappear with the use of Safed Musli. Increased Sex drive and desire. FSAD(female sexual arousal disorder) will be solved. You will regain the normal sensation and sensitivity in the genital area even at an old age. Vaginal dryness would be resolved and sufficient lubrication will be there for women even after menopause. There will be good sex drive that makes you co-operate with your Man and make your sexual intercourse enjoyable.
Question: Will Safed Musli improve
the general well being of a person?
Answer: Yes it will.
Answer: Yes it will.
Questions: Will the pills give any support to a diabetic
Answer: A diabetic patient can use Safed Musli. It has been noticed that diabetes is considerably reduced when one takes Safed Musli.
Answer: A diabetic patient can use Safed Musli. It has been noticed that diabetes is considerably reduced when one takes Safed Musli.
Questions: Can a high Blood Pressure patient use the Safed Musli?
Answer: Safed Musli will not in any way increase the Blood Pressure of a patient but it is required that a High BP Patient consults a doctor because of some other reasons before getting into a sexual intercourse but not necessarily because of Safed Musli.
Answer: Safed Musli will not in any way increase the Blood Pressure of a patient but it is required that a High BP Patient consults a doctor because of some other reasons before getting into a sexual intercourse but not necessarily because of Safed Musli.
Question: What are the side effects of Safed Musli?
Answer: Currently there have been no known negative side effects and is safe for human consumption this is so because it is a natural herb. This product which is safe for people with breastfeeding mothers, those with high blood pressure, and people with rheumatoid arthritis.
There is real proof that most substances such as Safed Musli which are been used as natural aphrodisiacs actually work. Although research into these products is very limited and precautionary few measures has to be taken before using Safed Musli to avoid any health risks.
Answer: Currently there have been no known negative side effects and is safe for human consumption this is so because it is a natural herb. This product which is safe for people with breastfeeding mothers, those with high blood pressure, and people with rheumatoid arthritis.
There is real proof that most substances such as Safed Musli which are been used as natural aphrodisiacs actually work. Although research into these products is very limited and precautionary few measures has to be taken before using Safed Musli to avoid any health risks.
Question: How long should a person take Safed Musli?
Answer: To get good result it is advices one can use Safed Musli without break for a period of 2-3 months.
Answer: To get good result it is advices one can use Safed Musli without break for a period of 2-3 months.
Question: How long will the effect last?
Answer: Effects of Safed Musli lasts for months and sometimes years when one practices healthy living.
Answer: Effects of Safed Musli lasts for months and sometimes years when one practices healthy living.
Question: Can men and women of any age use Safed Musli as an aphrodisiac agent?
Answer: Men and women between 18-80 years can use Safed Musli as an aphrodisiac agent.
Answer: Men and women between 18-80 years can use Safed Musli as an aphrodisiac agent.
Question: Will Safed
Musli enhance the fertility in men and women?
Answer: Research has shown use of Safed Musli has seemed to increase the sperm count in men and also in women it has enhanced the ovum production rate and improves the entire uterine environment.
Answer: Research has shown use of Safed Musli has seemed to increase the sperm count in men and also in women it has enhanced the ovum production rate and improves the entire uterine environment.
Question: Whether the Safed Musli will affect the menstrual periods in women when used
as an aphrodisiac?
Answer: No, Safed Musli does not affect, instead it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Answer: No, Safed Musli does not affect, instead it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Question: Can Patients with heart issues use Safed Musli?
Answer: Yes, No problem.
Question: Can this herb be used for Rheumatoid arthritis?
Answer: Yes, This is so because it helps to decrease the inflammation and pain
Answer: Yes, This is so because it helps to decrease the inflammation and pain
Question: Any Food Restrictions when using Safed Musli?
Answer: Basically No, but you should limit your intake of fatty foods while taking Safed Musli.
Answer: Basically No, but you should limit your intake of fatty foods while taking Safed Musli.
Safed Musli in general is very good for
general well being of the body. It is also a very good and natural aphrodisiac agent with any side effects
whatsoever when using it. It does not only allow you to enjoy your sexual
intercourse with your partner, it also increase fertility rate both men and
women and also potency for men. It is usable by many patients that might suffer
from Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure and Heart issue. This
makes Safed Musli a very good natural aphrodisiac agent. With this been considered
as an energy booster in asthmatic conditions,
Safed musli powder to improve the general immune system of the
body. Safed Musli powder is a very is a
demanded aphrodisiac agent, with no side effects. It is especially used for
people with low sperm count and low libido. It is generally prescribed for
improving male potency and overcoming signs of fatigue.
It clearly has amazing medical properties and modern
medical research is showing once again that are used in ancient times.
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